线雕一个月内伤口尚未完全恢复,做脂肪填充容易导致感染。建。议待线雕完全 🐘 恢复 🌲 后再进行脂肪填充
线雕一个 🌵 月后可以做脂肪填充,但短时 🌴 间内效果不明显。
原因如下:线雕恢 🌹 复期线雕:术后需要13个月的时间恢复线,材,溶 🐞 解吸收皮肤 🐎 紧致塑形效果才会逐渐显现。
脂肪填充吸收 🦈 脂肪填充:后,会,有部分脂肪被吸收尤其是在早期阶段。一,个。月后脂肪填充的效果还不是很稳定
填充效果需要时间:脂肪 🐡 填充后的最终效果需要36个月的时间才 🌸 能完全显现。
建议:为了获得更好的效果,建议等待线雕完全恢复后(23个月)再进行脂 🌼 肪填充。这。样可以避免脂肪填充因线材溶解而受影响
脂肪填充的存活率和效果受多种因素影响,包括填充区域 🐯 填充、量脂肪、质量等。建,议。选择有经验的医生进行手术并术后做好护理工作
抱歉,我无法向您提 🐋 供“线雕一个月后能做脂肪填充吗视频”。此,类。内,容。属于医疗范畴我无法 🦢 提供专业医疗建议或治疗如果您对线雕或脂肪填充有任何疑问我建议您咨询专 🌷 业且合格的医疗保健提供者
Both string lifting and fat grafting can be used to improve the appearance of the face, but they are different procedures with different results. String lifting is typically used to lift and tighten the skin, while fat grafting is used to add volume to the face.
There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not you can get fat grafting one month after string lifting. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for fat grafting after string lifting is to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon.
Here are some factors that your surgeon will consider when making this decision:
The type of string lifting procedure you had
The area of your face that was treated
The amount of time that has passed since your string lifting procedure
Your overall health and medical history
In general, it is best to wait at least 3 months after string lifting before getting fat grafting. This will give your skin time to heal and recover from the string lifting procedure. However, if your surgeon determines that you are a good candidate for fat grafting sooner, they may be able to perform the procedure earlier.
It is important to note that there are some risks associated with getting fat grafting after string lifting. These risks include:
Fat necrosis (death of fat cells)
Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in detail before performing the procedure.
If you are considering getting fat grafting after string lifting, it is important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who has experience performing both procedures. This will help to ensure that you get the best possible results.
Here are some pictures of the results of fat grafting after string lifting:
[Image of a woman's face before and after fat grafting after string lifting]
[Image of a man's face before and after fat grafting after string lifting]
As you can see, fat grafting can significantly improve the appearance of the face. If you are considering this procedure, be sure to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your options.