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"Very" and "Quite"
"Very" and "quite" are both adverbs used to intensify the meaning of adjectives and adverbs. However, they have different connotations and usage.
VeryMeans "to a great extent" or "extremely"
Intensifies the meaning of adjectives and adverbs in a strong and emphatic way
Can be used before both positive and negative adjectives
Generally considered more formal than "quite"
It's very hot today.
She's very intelligent.
It's very important to me.
The situation is very serious.
QuiteMeans "to a considerable extent" or "fairly"
Intensifies the meaning of adjectives and adverbs in a more moderate way
Usually used before positive adjectives
Generally considered more informal than "very"
It's quite cold today.
He's quite tall.
It's quite interesting.
I'm quite sure about it.
| Feature | Very | Quite |
||||| Meaning | To a great extent | To a considerable extent |
| Intensity | Strong | Moderate |
| Usage | Can intensify both positive and negative adjectives | Usually intensifies positive adjectives |
| Formality | More formal | More informal |